Bonafide Farm

You know you’re a redneck

August 9th, 2013 § 5

When yer fixin’ to docter yer’ finger with supplies nicked from the chicken coop.


Trying to draw some embedded plant thorns out of my finger with black salve.


We’ll see if it works, or if my finger falls off overnight.

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§ 5 Responses to “You know you’re a redneck”

  • That’s great. Yes, I suspect that definitely qualifies you as redneck. :-) Growing up in Michigan, we used to use Bag Balm to draw slivers and thorns out. Do you know it? It’s a salve to soothe irritation on cows’ udders after milking. And I grew up as a townie, not a country boy! It’s so great my mom brought me some to New Zealand recently. Pure gold.

  • Bonafide Farmer says:

    Hi, Jared! I’m so glad you stopped by! Thanks! I’m really enjoying your story. Thanks for the Bag Balm tip!!

  • [...] The black salve worked brilliantly on my thorny finger. I kept it on, and covered, overnight. When I woke up and [...]

  • Tara says:

    My Mom always used a paste made up of icing sugar and Betadine ointment. And of course, a Bandaid. Hope they came out!

  • Bonafide Farmer says:

    Hi, Tara–welcome! What a fascinating recipe–did it work?

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