Bonafide Farm

Back in business

January 30th, 2012 § 0

A few weeks ago the hens, Lilac and Iris, started laying eggs again. I’d expected them to take a much longer winter break, but they had other plans. I am surprised by how short they rested, but I am pleased—not only because of their eggs but also because it means the light is returning and spring is on its way.


And Lilac is back in a big way—laying huge dark brown eggs that span all four fingers when I hold them in my palm. Though her eggs aren’t supersized, Iris is no slouch with her contribution, which are definitely graded large.


Just out of curiosity I compared my hens’ eggs, on the right, to eggs from the famous Polyface chickens (the two light eggs on the left), which I bought to tide me through the dark days when Lilac and Iris were resting. Though they don’t live in fancy chicken tractors or have a famous farmer for their owner, I think my girls stack up pretty well.

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