Bonafide Farm

A view of the prow

November 10th, 2011 § 1

I’ve lived here for a year and a half and have just now gotten around to finishing the front porch ceiling. Up until this Wednesday, it was still raw tongue and groove pine. Now it’s got a lovely clear wood finish on it that has deepened and enriched the natural color of the wood—exactly what I wanted but was unsure of how to accomplish.

My accommodating painter got me over the hump of making up my mind. He painted up a great sample board with six different wood finishes and I held my breath and picked one.


And I am stoked with the result. At night the porch ceiling glows and looks faintly nautical—like part of a beautiful wooden boat. Daylight pictures to come…


And I can cross one more project—and design decision—off my list.

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