Bonafide Farm

Winter greens: They’re what’s for dinner

October 20th, 2011 § 1

My dinners this week have all looked like this:


How lucky to be able to eat a painting for dinner in late October!


These greens are the product of my experiment with row covers, fall planting and benign neglect. As you know, I scratched these seeds into the soil after ripping out summer plants. I watered them maybe once and then left them alone other than to occasionally snip in half a renegade caterpillar.

The salad greens, bok choy, and Red Russian kale (which wins my esteem for its beautiful color and shape) are doing the best. There’s also a very bitter green that’s satisfying my fall craving for bitterness…and probably more healthfully than the imperials I.P.As I have been drinking to scratch the same itch.



I have to report mixed success with the Agribon 15 row cover. I am sure it is better than the wedding netting at keeping out bugs, except that in even the short time that it’s been up it’s started disintegrating.


And the wedding netting is still looking like the day I put it up. Something to keep in mind when I use the Agribon for next year’s garden–I will more than likely have to replace each cover a few times during the growing season.

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