I took this pic last week right before a massive heat wave hit. Shown are squash and zukes, box choi gone to seed, kale, chard, yellow and green beans, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, cukes on the trellis, tomatoes, and pumpkins—as well as cutting flowers and herbs.
With last week’s heat indices around 115, the garden’s gone round the bend and started its midsummer decline. The squash bugs polished off my yellow squash plant and are most of the way through a Black Beauty zucchini. The pumpkins are running for their lives, breaking out of the fence trying to escape the squash bugs that do their damage from the base of the stem up the plant. I’ve never had garden with a squash bug problem before…I handpicked eggs off as I found them, and squashed adults to no avail. Any tips other than to get a greenhouse or use row covers? I tried neem and insecticidal soap, but no luck. I’m about ready to cut my losses, pull up the pumpkins and zuke, and toss a guinea or two in the garden to go after the little buggers.