I planted twenty-seven new perennials in the front yard in two hours Sunday night…using a pick axe to dig holes in the clay. That was just the icing on the cake of a physical labor weekend that comprised seven straight hours of shoveling compost into a wheelbarrow, muscling it out of the woods, across the field, and into my garden, then shoveling it out of the wheelbarrow and around the seedlings. A ridiculous exertion especially considering the tractor that sat idly by much of the day because the compost pile was getting too low to scoop with the bucket, and the tractor’s too big to fit in the garden. The next garden I make is going to be tractor-accessible!
Not that I’m obsessed with meat rabbits or anything (assuming your not a vegetarian) but you should consider getting a couple of rabbits for their poop. It doesn’t have the acidity of bird poop so it can be applied liberally directly on plants. Its also said to really help amend soil/clay.
Just a thought from a lover of bunnies.