Bonafide Farm

Rock steady

April 14th, 2010 § 1

Countertops were installed yesterday:





Green crystals! I think the countertops are perfect—in fact the whole kitchen is really looking like my vision…still a long way to go but it’s taking shape.

Things have kicked into high gear with several different trades—plumbers, electricians, carpenters, counter installers—at the house each day. Dad has been meeting my builder each morning to go over the previous day’s work, and then we both spend a couple of hours each evening reviewing and making lists for the next day’s meeting. It’s crazy to me that for each thing “fixed,” a handful more problems arise…and that’s even with reducing my builder’s scope and responsibility (on stuff that requires a lot of finesse) because he can’t seem to do a satisfactory job. It’s nuts. I am grateful, though, that my dad has stepped in to be the taskmaster as I was losing my flipping mind trying to manage my builder.

But I had the most exciting moment I’ve had in a good long while when I walked in my powder room, flipped on the switch, and had light! It was like standing inside a glowing red heart. I almost had a stroke I was so thrilled that maybe, just maybe, this craziness will soon be over.



§ One Response to “Rock steady”

  • David says:

    Been reading about your adventure from the beginning. I came to you from DIYDiva, and have to finally comment: Those counters are incredible…like the rest of the house.

    Can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

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