Three years ago I sat in my parents’ guest room, fresh out of a Northern Virginia apartment and Capitol Hill job, and wrote my first blog post. At that point, Bonafide Farm was a scribble on a napkin made years earlier and a termite-infested shack on a beautiful piece of land. I had no beautiful new home, no guineas nor chickens nor coop, no garden, no landscaping, no compost pile, no dog, no tractor, and no inkling of the work and pain and tears that were coming in the next three years. That’s probably for the best!
Because what I also didn’t know three years ago was how making this farm would challenge every fiber of my intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical being, forcing me to be someone that, for good or bad—and both sides have manifested, no doubt—that I didn’t know I could be.
When I made my first blog header and wrote my tagline: So I Wanted a Project, I had no clue that the project would be me. And that project is still very much ongoing and about to get a whole lot more interesting.
Thank you for following along with my project, and I hope you will keep reading to find out where we go.