Bonafide Farm

An unusual spring vegetable

May 1st, 2014 § 0

The overwintered ‘Red Russian’ kale has been a real treat this spring—sweet, tender and delicious. Unfortunately it’s already begun to bolt (go to seed), which means that the kale will gradually get tougher and more bitter as its energy goes into reproduction.


I’ve been harvesting kale almost every day, and the other night I cut off the flower heads to try to slow the bolting process. I nibbled on some of the flower heads and found them delicious. Further down the stem was edible and tasty as well, with a texture like very thin asparagus.


I washed the flowering heads and gave them a rough chop. They went into a saute pan with olive oil, a clove of chopped garlic, and a few golden raisins. A few seconds on high heat cooked them to perfection, just wilted through but still vibrant, healthful green.


I’m pretty sure that as the season goes on these flowering heads won’t be nearly as delicious, but if you can catch them in these first days of spring you’ll enjoy an unusual treat.

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