For the Mother Earth News Fair this weekend in Seven Springs, PA. Leaving early Friday for a road trip that doesn’t include driving on any major interstates. How rare and wonderful will this journey be!
I am so excited to see some people speak who have figured out a way of living that massively appeals to me. Joel Salatin, Rosemary Gladstar, Patricia Foreman, Deborah Niemann, and many others whose blogs I follow and whose writings have taught me many life-changing things. I can’t wait to learn even more from them in person.
But I am most excited to support Jenna Woginrich, my personal hero, at her keynote speech. The blog she writes about her home, Cold Antler Farm, makes me cry and cheer in equal measure as she struggles, and succeeds, at living her most authentic life. Though I have never met her, she’s been one of my greatest sources of inspiration during the last few years. I hope I get to thank her in person in Seven Springs.