Bonafide Farm

Bonafide Farmer and friend

February 26th, 2011 § 0

shoot the barn at sundown.


One of my favorite scenes in winter is the giant oak at the wood line silhouetted at twilight with the Blue Ridge mountain range stretched out beneath it.

Test drive

February 17th, 2011 § 0

I took advantage of the clear weather this past weekend to test drive my Christmas presents from my dad: a 4 lb. hand maul and a pair of beautiful splittin’ stumps. After I’d split enough logs to replenish my kindling supply, I moved on to the delicate work of making pine firestarters.


Hint of spring

February 14th, 2011 § 0

Last weekend I noticed that the buds on the forsythia were swelling. So I cut a few stems and brought them inside, where they started to bloom the very next day. With this week’s anticipated temperatures in the mid 60s, I bet we’ll see a few blooms on the bushes outside as well…probably right before we get a blizzard.


Sunbathing sentinel

February 11th, 2011 § 0

I was outside in today’s 14-degree morning knocking ice out of the guinea waterer when I heard a sharp, distinct call. One I hadn’t heard yet around here, at least not so close. I scanned the woodline and who should be sitting in the giant oak but this big guy.


A quick visit to the excellent Cornell Ornithology Lab’s beautifully designed Web site led me to believe that this morning visitor is a red-shouldered hawk. Correct me if I’m wrong! And he was huge. Here he is in the giant oak, and though the tree is humongous, you can tell this is not an insignificantly sized bird.

Though it’s definitely cool that he chose my oak for his sunbath, I can’t help but wonder what he could do to a guinea. Unlike during the kestrel attack of last summer, I think this bird may be large enough to make off with a guinea or at least put some serious hurt on the poor dear.


And it turns out he wasn’t the only one enjoying the sun on this very chilly morn. Skittish Neighbor Cat was camped in the meadow, and darted away into the woods right after this shot. It’s a jungle out here.


By request

February 9th, 2011 § 0

More winter color for you.


Clearing storm

February 5th, 2011 § 0

Sunset Collage 1Web2

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